Friday, April 23, 2010

In a Nutshell

Aside from the requisite day of shopping on Cary Street (the greatest place on earth), we also went to a Richmond Flying Squirrels baseball game last Saturday. It was a blast and a great way to kick off my first weekend in town - bright lights, crisp air, $2 hot dogs, healthy competition, cute guys in uniforms, and the biggest, coldest beers in all the land. Oh, and BONUS: the Flying Squirrels reigned victorious! If you haven’t had the pleasure of cheering on the Squirrels, it’s time to grab your foam finger and head out to the ball park.


  1. You are the cutest Richmond Rookie - EVER !
    I want to be notified immediately of adventures and goings-on!
    I have never blogged before and had to set up an account. If this works -- I can now say I live and play in the 21st century!

  2. 'healthy competition' - snicker. love you!
