I have ridden my bike to and from work for the past two months, except for one day last week when it was raining and Bonnie gave me a ride. I'm convinced one of my peers put a hex on me by asking if I'd had any trouble with poor weather conditions. "Not so far," I replied cheerily. And of course, downpour the next morning.
I like riding. It's good to get the skunk out of the boat in the morning and, in the evening, it's a nice way to blow off steam. Yesterday I cursed under my breath the whole ride home. It was glorious. And by the time I walked in the front door I was totally over whatever it was.
Thursday is my least favorite day to commute. It's trash day and the whole ride smells like garbage. But nine out of ten normal-smelling commutes is a pretty good record.
The skunk out of the boat? hahahaha!