Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beating the Heat...Virtually

One race. Two adorable shirts. What a deal.

On your marks...

Done...and done

This morning Kate and I participated in the Richmond Fire Beat the Heat 5K. I was also running a virtual 5k sponsored by my dear friend Kat Are these shirts the cutest things you've ever seen? Incidentally, I fit right in with the yellow.

This is the type of multitasking I like to do. I essentially completed two races, but only ran one. Genius.

We finished in under 30 minutes, which I consider to be a great success. It was hot, but the course was shady and for some reason seemed mostly down hill. Strange, considering it was up one way and back the other, meaning at some point we must have been traveling uphill.


  1. i mean, uh, SHOTS. action SHOTS ftw. red wine is messing up my whole game tonight.
