So, I'm gonna do this embarrassing thing where I talk about my mom. I do it pretty frequently because I can't help myself - she's pretty neat. Incidentally, my mom says I should stop doing that because it makes me seem like a loser. But then, that's my crime: I love my mother. Lock me up.
Long ago, when I was living in Vero Beach my mom came to visit and I took her to happy hour to meet some friends. She had heard me talk about my friend Rob and was happy to meet him when he approached her. He firmly extended his hand and introduced himself, "Rob Blarbitty, Attorney at Law." My mother knew my friend Rob was not a lawyer, so without skipping a beat she met his ridiculous introduction with, "Eleanor Moore, Marketing Genius."
What she didn't know is that Rob Blarbitty was not my friend Rob, but just some random stranger who was letting her know she could call him "Esquire" any time.
I love this story for two reasons: 1. Eleanor Moore, Marketing Genius??! Are you kidding me? Will I ever be that quick on my feet? and 2. Years later, my mother really has become a marketing genius. And a savvy businesswoman to boot.
I submitted my PR project on Monday, for which I used Moore Better Communication as my focus. One of the press releases' headings is "Marketing Genius Solves all your Web Design Needs." I hope I don't get points deducted for silliness.
Well, I would give you an A+.